Save Time and Money with Get Stowed

You know the feeling when you open a cupboard and everything falls out? We’ve all been there. Clutter and disorganisation can make your life more chaotic and stressful. But we’re not talking about your cupboards here, we’re talking about your vehicle. And how the endless tools and work equipment can quickly mount up and have you wondering “where did I put that spanner?”       


But don’t worry, we’ve got a solution. Let’s explore how our complete storage solution can help you regain control of your space, time, and finances.


At Get Stowed, we create and fit the ultimate storage solution for you, working with a number of vehicle makes and models ranging from Ford Rangers to VW Transporters and more. We can create drawer systems, slide out trays, shelving and more. We can even put it all together to create a whole system in the back of your van or car.


We work with you to understand what you need the storage for, what your vehicle is and your customisation preferences, so we can provide you with the solution that is right for you.


And let’s be honest, who has time to search for lost items? We’ve all wasted precious minutes rummaging through clutter. Get Stowed’s storage solutions are like your personal organisation genie. They magically streamline your stuff, making it easy to find what you need. But not only that, disorganisation can be a silent money-eater. You might end up buying things you already have because you can’t find them. Get Stowed solutions are your pocket’s best friend. They help you avoid unnecessary expenses by keeping your belongings in check. Did you know it can cost you over £1500 a year in your time just looking for your lost tools, and replacing them when you can’t find them in a messy vehicle?


In our recent survey of tradespeople, a staggering 75% admitted to regularly facing difficulties in locating tools or equipment within their vehicles. On average, they spend around 10 minutes searching each time. Not only does this waste valuable time, but it also hampers their productivity, with three-quarters of them noting that a messy van makes it harder to perform their jobs efficiently. Whilst initially making the investment into a storage solution can make you hesitant, it is essential to recognise the long-term financial stability and savings they bring. 


But aside from time and money, there are more things for you to think about;

  1. Clutter causes stress which delays problem-solving (When our workspace is a mess, so is our mind! Keeping an ordered environment reduces anxiety and stress.)
  2. A tidy van means a tidy reputation (If you were a client seeking a tradesperson, one thing you would pick up on is how professional they seem. Being organised and tidy gives a great impression and shows that you know what you’re doing.)
  3. The workday really will pass faster (The time you save will allow you to complete tasks quicker which may mean that early finish on Friday just got a little more achievable.)


Get Stowed provides customised storage which ensures you can keep your tools organised. The units are tailor-made to fit and match your van so nothing looks bulky or out of place. They look clean and show dedication to high quality, giving your clients more faith in you providing them with a quality service. The units also keep tools out of sight from opportunist thieves meaning no stress there – promoting even better productivity!


If you’d like to find out more, take a look through our website to see which storage solution works best for you. 


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