Organisation Tips for Your Vet’s Vehicle

As a veterinarian, your job requires you to travel extensively in your vehicle, which can be challenging when it comes to keeping it organised and tidy. Your vehicle effectively becomes your mobile clinic. If your car, truck, or van, is cluttered with tools, equipment, and supplies, it can make your job much more difficult and time-consuming. 

Luckily, there is a solution to this problem, and Get Stowed is here to help!

Get Stowed is a UK-based company that specialises in providing storage solutions for 4x4s, vans, and trucks. We offer a wide range of products, including drawer systems, shelving units, and more, which are all designed to help you keep your vehicle organised and clutter-free. With our help, you can create a customised storage solution that will make your job easier and more efficient.

Here are some tips for organising your mobile clinic using Get Stowed’s products;


Start with a plan

Before you start organising your vehicle, you need to have a plan in place. Think about the tools, equipment, and supplies that you need to carry with you and how you want them to be organised. This will help you determine the type of storage solutions you need and where they should be placed.


Use drawer systems

One of the best ways to keep your vehicle organised is by using drawer systems. Get Stowed offers a variety of drawer systems that can be customised to fit your needs. These drawers are perfect for storing tools, medications, and other supplies, and they make it easy to find what you need quickly.


Install shelving units

Shelving units are another great way to keep your vehicle organised. They allow you to store larger items, such as your larger expensive equipment or crates, and keep them off the floor. This also stops them rattling around the back of your truck. Get Stowed offers a range of shelving units that can be customised to fit your vehicle’s size and shape.


Keep it clean

Finally, it’s essential to keep your vehicle clean and tidy. This not only helps you find what you need quickly but also makes a good impression on your clients. 


In conclusion, organising your mobile clinic doesn’t have to be a daunting task. 

With Get Stowed’s range of storage solutions, you can create a customised system that meets your needs and helps you work more efficiently. By using our products, you can keep your tools and equipment stored out of sight and very well-organised, making your job much easier. 

So why wait? Check out how Get Stowed can help you today. 

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