We’ve got new wood: Get Stowed units are now made from marine ply

The war in Ukraine has shaken us all to our core. I don’t think any of us expected to see a war on this scale raging in Europe in the 21st century. We’ve been glued, like so many others, to the news, watching the horrific images coming from Ukraine and wanting so much to be able to help the people whose lives have been thrown into turmoil and tragedy.

This led us to think about our own impact in this situation. The wood we previously used for our storage units, birch ply, was sourced from Russia. Until the war broke out, we had never given that much thought. Now we felt it was time to reconsider.

We’ve had a few customers in recent months ask us whether it might be possible to make a unit from marine ply. Why? Well, marine ply is lighter, which means less weight in your vehicle, and makes for easier install and removal. Marine ply is also better suited to damp environments. We’re always keen to listen to and respond to customer feedback, and if ever there was a time to give this new wood a go, it’s now.

So that’s what we’ve done. From now on, all our units will be made using marine ply.  

We’re in the process of replacing all the photos on the website as we make the new marine ply units – each one is tailor-made for our clients so we’re snapping photos as they’re being precision cut on our CNC machine. If you’re being eagle-eyed, you’ll notice that the photos with slightly darker coloured units are ones featuring the new wood, but the difference is so slight that if you can actually tell then you should win some sort of prize*.

(*There is no prize, but you can feel very smug.)

In the meantime, check out our Instagram for pictures of the new marine ply units.

If you want to be one of the first to get vehicle storage with our brand new wood (steady!), check out the range on our website or get in touch if you want us to design one bespoke to your requirements.

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